Gyrase activity assay with chloroquine gels #
Revised Gyrase activity assay #
Revised the Gyrase activity assay to include heat killing each enzyme after 37C incubation periods.
Reaction setup #
Setup this reaction starting with pFC9 control which included
- 3.33 pFC9 (1ug)
- 6 ul Gyrase buffer (5x)
- 3 ul rCutsmart (10x)
- 3 ul 10x ATP for EcoP1rI (NEB product code B61015)
- 14.67 ul H20
20 ul of this formed the Topo treated fraction to which I added 1ul Topo. After incubation and heatkill fractioned 10ul and added 1 ul DNA Gyrase and incubated + heatkilled. I set up two replicates of these reactions so I could run two independent chloroquine gels.
Chloroquine gel #
Fred suggested running reaction products on chloroquine gel to better resolve supercoiling. Gel protocol is below
- Prepare a 1% agarose gel with 2x TBE buffer
- Allow gel to cool to around 50C.
- Add chloroquine to a final concentration of 2.5 ug / ml of agarose
- Pour gel.
Made two 12 cm 100 ml 1% agarose with .250g chloroquine each using 2x TBE buffer. Running gels for 16 hours at 110V according to supplemental materials in Robert’s paper.